Reliable devices for surface level monitoring and control

Reliable devices for surface level monitoring and control with over 50 years of experience

The Kari-Finn float switch serves as an alarm system for a pre-determined liquid level and can also be used to control the filling and emptying of a tank. Threshold values can be easily set, without the need for any additional devices.

The Kari float switches are available in a wide range of options, covering a wide variety of purposes and applications. They  are available in one to four switch functions. These include low and high level alarms and control functions for stopping and starting. The Series 4 float switches uniquely comes with a four-point level switch.

The switch enclosure is conical in shape and the required number of microswitches are cast at predetermined angles inside it. The hermetically sealed float housing is weighted on one side to control the direction of the switching. This rugged float and the weight are made of chemically resistant polypropylene while the standard cable is PVC coated.

There are three versions of the float switch. The Standard units are the largest, with a diameter of 170 mm, the C Series units have a diameter of 99 mm, and the smallest, M series units are 76 mm in diameter. The smaller C and M float series are suitable for narrow spaces or applications where high buoyancy adds no value.

There is also the option for bespoke solutions to meet specific needs.

Kari electrode switches offer an alternative to float switches. In addition to serving as an alarm system for a predetermined liquid level, they are also suitable for use with various Kari sensors to determine the desired start and stop levels.

The Kari MS Silo Switch is designed for the detection of the surface level in silos, in which loose storage goods, such as grains or gravel, are stored.

When equipped with Kari Exi relays, our switches are also suitable for use in atmospheres that are potentially explosive (ATEX spaces), including oil containers.

Our product range also includes alarm units, pump starters, multi-pin connectors, and thermal fuses designed as safety devices for oil burners.


KARI Float Switch 1C | 1H | 1L

With the widest range of diameters, this float control device alerts users at specified surface levels, acting as either a High or Low-level alarm or as a change-over switch alarm.

KARI Float Switch 2H | 2L | 2Y | 2A | 2HL

These switches are used to provide High and Low-level Discharging or Charging pump controls and used in applications when no liquid is present, such as in an expansion tank. They are available in three diameter sizes.

KARI Float Switch 3H | 3L | 3Y | 3A | 3HE | 3LE | 3YE | 3AE

The seven float switch models in this range are used to provide both High and Low-level Discharging or Charging pump control applications and also include an additional high or isolated high-level alarm.

KARI Float Switch 4H | 4L | 4Y | 4A

The four models in this range are designed to control the emptying or filling of a tank when a liquid rises or falls to a pre-determined high or low point. The switches also issue both high and low-level alarms. They are available in the largest diameter size of 170mm.

KARI Float Switch C1C | C1H | C1L

The Kari range of float switches includes three float casing sizes. The C range perform the same functions as the standard models but are 99mm in diameter

KARI Float Switch C2H | C2Y | C2L | C2A | C2HL

The Kari range of Float Switches includes three float casing sizes. The C range performs the same functions as the standard models but are 99mm in diameter.

KARI Float switch C3H | C3L | C3HE | C3LE

The Kari range of Float Switches includes three float casing sizes. The C range performs the same functions as the standard models but are 99mm in diameter.

KARI float switch M1C | M1H | M1L

The KARI Mini Float Switch is a control device for magnetic valves. It is also an alarm device that alerts the user at specified surface levels.

KARI Float Switch M2H | M2L

The KARI float switch is a control device for magnetic valves. It is also an alarm device that alerts the user at specified surface levels. 

KARI EL22 electrode switch

KARI ELP electrode switch

KARI MS silo switch

KARI Exi relay

KARI PKL multi-pin connector

KARI LS90 thermal fuse

KARI HIR bar electrode + KARI EL22

KARI LA2 floor sensor + KARI EL22

KARI PEL electrode sensor + KARI EL22